Google Analysis


The starting of the Google can be trace back to 1996 in form of research project of Stanford Digital Library Project (SDLP) by two Ph.D students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The Project nickname “Back Rub” was joined later on by Sergey Brin as they work together to explore the opportunity of Back ling pages and associate pages which can come in search. The starting structure of the search engine works on basic PageRank algorithm. Originally, Google is intentional misspelling of googol a word representing a number starting with “1” and followed by one hundred Zeros. Google find its first investor in 1998 that funded them with $ 100,000. The main area of the business is search, Advertising, Application (Apps) and mobile platform (Android). Eric Schmidt becomes the Chairman of the board of directors and CEO in 2001. Later on Google goes for several acquisitions and group formation such as Deja.Com, Blogger (Web blogging software’s), Picasa (Photo Sharing Software), Keyhole (Later on it become Google earth), Writely (Later on it become Google Docs) and You Tube (Video Sharing Software).

Area of business

Web Search

The main area of the business of Google belongs to web search Engine. Programmers and Engineers constantly work for making the search result more relevant and authentic. Search is available in more than 130 language and Google owns over 160 localized regional domains.


Advertising section is the most profitable section for the Google as 97 percent of revenues of the company come from this section. Google has good strategy to balance the advertisement and information on the web page. The advertisement shown in the Google page is also according to user taste and preferences.


There are many popular application of Google such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, Reader, Sketch up, Talk and YouTube. The application in much popular in their category and well suited in their field.

Mobile Platform

All the apps and search well work in mobile platform. Recently Google with collaboration with 70 technological platform develop a open hand software alliances commonly known as Android.

Competitor analysis

Yahoo Inc

The main competitor of Google in Search engine is Yahoo. Yahoo group does not offer only search facility but also complete package as Yahoo homepages consisting of Yahoo news, stock alerts, Flickr and other related services. To encounter the popularity of Google, Yahoo partnership with Microsoft which give him short-term benefit as company get 88 percent of Net Revenues generated, but it is matter of future to see that it will work in long run or not. The risk associated with the current partnership is Yahoo has given 10-year license to its core search technology.

Microsoft Corp

Bill Gates and Paul Allen started the Company Microsoft around 1976 for developing Basic, the programming language for the first computer Altair 8800. By 1978 the profit of Microsoft cross $ 1 million mark and Steve Ballmer becomes the manager of the company. Today’s Microsoft is world leader in Software, services and Solutions. The main product of the company includes Windows software for platform for the computer, server and tools software’s, service and solution, Microsoft SQL server, Visual studio and Silver light application. Online services includes Bing, Microsoft adCenter, Atlas and MSN for advertiser and publishers. Microsoft business lines product includes office, power point, SharePoint, Dynamics, ERP and CRM. In the sector of entertainment includes X box 360 consoles, Windows phone and MediaRoom.

Apple Inc.

Steve Jobs, Ron Wayne and Steve Woznaik form the Apple Incorporation in 1976. On January 9, 2007, the word "Computer" was removed from company name reflecting showing the company changing intention towards consumer electronics through the introduction of the iPhone. The consumer software range of the Apple consists of OS X and the iTunes media browser, iOS operating systems, the Safari web browser, and iWork creativity and the iLife and production suites. The Apple is famous worldwide for its hardware products such as the Mac line of computers, the iPhone Smartphone, the iPod music player, and the iPad tablet computer. In the period of 2005 onwards company start moving towards the Intel chips and this era show the most success on the Apple history. The company captured the market with the introduction of one after one, blockbuster products such as iPod, ipad and later on iPhones. This can be said to Steve Jobs charisma period as with the launch of iphone and Apple TV, in 2007 Apple share reach all time high $97.80, an all-time high at that point. Later on in May, Apple's share price passed the $100 mark. After this Apple again modified its iPod line of MP3 players, launching a iPod, Touch with Face Time, multi-touch iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle with buttons. In 2010, Apple breaks all its previous record by touching its share to $ 300.


Google Inc.
Industries served
Geographic areas served
Current CEO
Eric Schmidt and Larry Page
$ 50.17 billion (2012)
$ 10.7 billion (2012)
53,861 (2012)
Main Competitors
Apple Inc., Facebook Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., International Business Machines Corporation and many others.
SWOT analysis helps in showing the current position of the company and also the future expectation and potential of Google.



  1. Perfect Open source core products and services
  2. Quality and customer experience are the primary objects
  3. Financial situation of the company is excellent
  4. Access to the widest range of internet users worldwide
  5. Wide range of patents portfolio
  6. Large scale of Product integration
  7. Constant Culture of innovation in the company


  1. Relies on one source of income that is advertisement section
  2. Unprofitable products that ad no penny to the revenue
  3. Patent litigations


  1. Increasing number of mobile internet users
  2. Obtaining patents through acquisitions
  3. Future Driverless electronic cars
  4. Expansion into electronics industry
  5. Google fiber cables


  1. Growing number of mobile internet users
  2. Unprofitable products
  3. EU antitrust laws
  4. Competition from Microsoft

Strategy used and future action

Search- Page and Brain original data index algorithm was base for Google Success. When the competitor of Google spends a lots of money in building the brand Google main focus was to build a better search engine which understand what the user want. Google used varieties of strategy such as continuous advancements, objectivity, ease of use, global access, and multiple access platforms, which resulted in better solid infrastructure. In the field of search, Google is giving now options of image and graph search with facility of voice control also.


The strategy used by the Google in the field of advertisement is to provide relevant advertisement to relevant people. The aim is to be cost effective, targeted and relevant ads to end user. Ad sense and Ad words are the two advertising products. Ad words allow advertiser to target their ads to specific region customer. Another product is Adsense, which gives the chance to websites owner to earn money for the ad they allow to display in their domain and webtraffic. Google follows the ethical principle so its separate the information from content by “Sponsored links” or “Ad by Google”. Now in future Google is now designing its advertisement project in such a way that attract the attention of every user but without compromising on the search information and content


Google is working hard in protecting the security of kernel of android software by solving the bugs in the programs

Challenges in the front of Google

Androids safety
The birth of Androids come from Open handset alliances which is movement of 70 major technology provide to develop a open mobile platform. The Androids is Challenged by Apple mac. The Hacker also target the virus attack more of androids.

The Golden Shield project and Operation Aurora

It is self-imposed censorship, which restrict when people searched for prohibited Chinese keywords on a blocked list maintained by the PRC government, displayed the following at the bottom of the page (translated): In accordance with local laws, regulations and policies, part of the search result is not shown.
Google critics in the United States claimed that Google China is a flagrant violation of the Google motto, "Don't be evil." On January 12, 2010, Google announced that it was "no longer willing to continue censoring" results on, citing a breach of Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. Google is getting tough competition from Baidu in China because it covers 88 markets in China in terms of search engine.


If we look, at the history Google has managed very well so far and due to technological advancement the future of the company seems to good. Apart from getting tough competition from Yahoo, Microsoft and Apple the main reason for Google popularity is the simplicity and easy to use features of all application of Google. If you have still any question left in mind about Google I suggest that just Google it and find the relevant answer..






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