Communication Security

 Communication Security

The use of communication assumes an important place in every organization. In this age information is assumes to be the power and this is use as competitive edge to remain ahead in the competitive situation. The main concern for the business house is the privacy of the data because leak of information can cause havoc to the organization. There are various formal and informal channels for the communication exists in the business line. The formal channel of communication includes the email, telephone, internet medium, letter, application, memo dedicated server with hotline facility. The informal mode of communication includes personal chatting and communication directly with other people in the organization.

In today world there is problem exist of data thefts in terms of hacking and breaching the data security for misusing the data by third party. There are different types of data breach such as hacking, phishing, spamming, and virus infection. The data breach also occurs through identity cloning and concealment, criminal identity theft, synthetic identity theft

The main cause of data breach occurs due to some personal mistake such as weak and stolen credentials, back doors and vulnerabilities, multi use of same system, inserting various infected pen drive. The other source to obtain the personal information is to have fictious call and email asking personal information from the dummy organization pretending to original institution. The main cause of data thefts occur due to phishing scams, this contain some mail asking some actions in which hackers decode the personal information of the person, the most prefer method of hacker is the use of Trojan Horse virus, which replicate itself in system which effect the person information. Another threats arise from drive by downloads in which unwanted programs slips to person computer when he connect to malicious sites. 

The simple method to hack the data is to bypassing the password which is done by hacker by guessing and decoding the password from the websites the person used to login. The weakest loophole in the security system comes from use of open Wi Fi which give some chances to another person to access secret data.There are different methods available; to prevent the data theft such as setting up strong password, changing the password at different interval, setting different password for different account, using of updated security software, malicious software removal programs. The person should not respond to the suspicious mail asking the bank account information or other credentials. 

Try to avoid the use of open Wi -Fi for the official use and never reply the text message asking for up gradation of account or services. For the official use the firms should use dedicated server and telephone lines guarded by advance software. The best way to prevent the data is to encode the information in encrypted language, so it becomes hard for the hacker to decode it for their use. The last thing is the personal security and concern of the person to decide their safety of the data during the transmission of the message.


Sugarman, R. (1979). Communications: On foiling computer crime: Can a thief with lots of LSI chips crack present data scrambling schemes? The experts debate the matter. Spectrum, IEEE16(7), 31-32.
Pereira, J. (2007). How credit-card data went out wireless door. Wall Street Journal4.


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