Affirmative action

Affirmative action 

It is the most hotly debated policies of the past half century. The topic become serious due to consideration of racial discrimination or some time discrimination based on gender basis. The discrimination is not localized but widespread, whether it is workplace or our present college or university place. The main cause of the discrimination is the wrong thinking of one group to think of themselves superior in comparison to minority group. During world war, II Franklin Roosevelt barred the discrimination in the federal government and in war industries. 

John F. Kennedy establishes the Equal Employment Opportunity committee that required projects getting the federal fund should use affirmative action to avoid the bias in hiring and employment practices. Later on Lyndon Johnson outlawed discrimination in 1964 by introducing Civil Rights act, which require to take affirmative action to hire employees without regard the race , religion and gender.

Affirmative action are challenged by many times, few notables examples are Regents of University of California v Bakke (1978), and Grutter v Bollinger (2003). In case of University of California v Bakke, Allan Bakke sued regarding his admission to university of California’s medical school regarding racial quotas in the admission in public university. In other case Grutter has applied to the University of Michigan Law School and was denied, so he sued the university believing that admission refusal denied the Equal protection clause of 14 th amendment and Title VI of the 1964 civil Right Act.

For maintain the harmony in the society it is good that we should accept the person of various background and ethical base. Every person should be allowed to explore the possibility of growth and opportunity. History has shown that no society can grow without the contribution of the monirty so it is necessary to go for all round development of the society, which encompasses the growth of all section of the society.


Adam Liptak, “Race and College Admissions, Facing a New Test by Justices,” New York Times (October 8, 2012)

Jamilah Lemieux, “Affirmative Action vs White Privilege,” Ebony (October 2012)


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