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Google Analysis

Introduction The starting of the Google can be trace back to 1996 in form of research project of Stanford Digital Library Project (SDLP) by two Ph.D students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The Project nickname “Back Rub” was joined later on by Sergey Brin as they work together to explore the opportunity of Back ling pages and associate pages which can come in search. The starting structure of the search engine works on basic PageRank algorithm. Originally, Google is intentional misspelling of googol a word representing a number starting with “1” and followed by one hundred Zeros. Google find its first investor in 1998 that funded them with $ 100,000. The main area of the business is search, Advertising, Application (Apps) and mobile platform (Android). Eric Schmidt becomes the Chairman of the board of directors and CEO in 2001. Later on Google goes for several acquisitions and group formation such as Deja.Com, Blogger (Web blogging software’s), Picasa (Photo Sharing Software), Keyhol