Classical conditioning

Classical conditioning Classical conditioning is a type of learning that had a major influence on the thought known as behaviorism. The Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov develops the concept. Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. Classical conditioning involves placing a neutral signal before a naturally occurring reflex. There are different types of stimulus and different type response such as UCR (Unconditioned Response), CS (Conditioned Stimulus), and CR (Conditioned Response) and UCS (Unconditioned stimulus). The unconditioned stimulus is naturally triggering a response, for example one of my friend feel hunger when he smell one of his favorite food that is Italian Pizza. Feeling hunger in the response of the smell of food is an example of the unconditioned stimulus (Staats, A. W., & Staats, C. K. (1958)). The conditioned stimulus is an earlier neutral stimulus but after becoming related to the unconditioned stimulus becomes a trigger a conditioned response. The conditioned response is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. For example at the time of lunch my friend earlier used to listen church bell but later on it become habit and now when he hears the church bell he feels hungry. Smell of food is an example of UCS, feelings of hunger in response to smell UCR, sound of the whistle is the example of CS, and feeling of hunger in response to the whistle is example of CR. Operant conditioning Operant conditioning is also known as instrumental conditioning, generally is a method of learning due to punishment and rewards system. Operant conditioning makes an association between the behavior and results of that behavior. Operant conditioning was firstly coined as by behaviorist B F Skinner. The two main components of operant conditioning are Reinforcement and punishment. Reinforcement is any events that increase the behavior it follows. Reinforcement is also of two types one is Positive Reinforcement and another is Negative Reinforcement. A stimulus that precedes or accompanies a behavior and may exert discriminative control over that behavior is known as antecedent stimulus. This behavior is controlled by the fear of its consequences. Antecedent stimulus is the fear of punishment that not of watching the weekend program. The response of the program is that the roommate is motivated to be adopting change. Reinforcement of changing program should be recorded in table to monitor the progress. The table denotes and measure the deviation of the program and its result (Hewett, F. M. (1965)). Positive Reinforcers are considered favorable events that are presented after the behavior. Response and behavior is strengthened by the addition of something such as direct reward. Negative reinforcers include the removal of an unfavorable event or outcomes after displaying of such behavior. At the same there is a rule for punishment in which there is positive punishment (punishment by application) and negative punishment (punishment of removal). To inspire the roommate to make bed neatly there is method of negative reinforcement, that if a roommate does not fulfill his promise he will be not allowed to do watch his favorite TV program for one month. In addition to that, if he fulfills his promise I will take care of washing his cloth on this Sunday, this act as positive reinforcement. Child with destructive tendencies A stimulus that precedes or accompanies a behavior and may exert discriminative control over that behavior is known as antecedent stimulus. This behavior is controlled by the fear of its consequences. In the present case the child is by the destructive nature as she bites herself, dog and other person, this is a possible danger to the child and another person in the hospital area. The best program is to make aware of every person of nearby about the behavior of this child to avoid any complications. The second treatment plan is to motivate that child to participate in small exercise and sport that engage the mind in a positive direction. The positive reinforcement in that case is that to provide her favorite choice if he fulfills his promise for one week properly. Avoidance- Excessive regulation also creates stress on the mind of the child and he starts to avoid the order and suggestion of the parents. Sometimes the best way is to avoid the small deviation and give support to the children. Punishment- As the child does not like restriction or punishment but if the situation becomes out of control then we can exercise small punishment such as not allowing watching the favorite cartoon on weekends. Antecedent stimulus in this case is the extra precaution from the person nearby to avoid any disturbances.


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