Social learning Theory

Social Learning Theory 

 Behavior of person can be influenced in many ways. In the present example, I can influence the behavior of my junior in the college. The junior used to copy the behavior of their senior to get success in the life. The observer (Junior) will imitate the model’s behavior (senior, I), if the model has talent and intelligence. Individuals are more likely to adopt a modeled behavior if the model is similar to the observer. If the model (senior) is rewarded then the observer is more likely to perform the behavior and in the reverse case that If the model is punished than the observer is less likely to repeat the behavior.

Learning by observation involves four different processes such as attention, retention, motor production and motivation/ reinforcement. Coding modeled behavior into labels, words or images results in better retention than just observing the behavior. Model behavior Attention and retention account for learning a model’s behavior. The observer will try to replicate the model behavior in hope to get better recognition professionally and socially. Human development reflects the complex interaction of the person, the person’s behavior, and the environment.

A lot of what a person knows comes from the environmental resources such as television, parents, and books. The environment also affects behavior: what a person observes can powerfully influence what he or she does. But a person’s behavior can also contribute to his or her environment.

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 Gestalt principle 

Gestalt principle is also known as the “Law of Pragnanz” or “Law of Simplicity” states that “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. In the starting of the class, I think the subject is to be as difficult as rocket scientist but after attending the different lecture I came to know the subject to be most interesting. Now I experiment to learn the different concept in interesting manner. My initial perception was toughness, boring and extensiveness of the subject. However, later on found psychology to be interesting, to the point and quite easy to follow the concept.

Gestalt principle has figure/ground, similarity, proximity, closure, good continuation (continuity) and Symmetry or order. Now my perception of the class is that if you work hard in the field of psychology then it will be easy to follow. Perception may or may not be as true as actual situation sometime as opposite to initial perception (Furth, H. G., & Mendez, R. A. (1963)). Attention There are many ways to keep attention of the audience during the presentation. Talk about something your audience is interested, another method is to tell the audience why they listen to you.

To make continuous attention towards you do not make it too easy or too hard. The best method is to change the grabs attention, some macro changes are changing the medium of presentation, changes topic and change presenters. Some micro changes includes the change your style of delivery according to the content. The best method is to break the presentation into frequent breaks and try it to make it into short. Gestalt theory states, "Attention is consciously effortful, but awareness is not" The use of the word attention signals a purposive focus, made intentional by choosing the cognitive direction of perception toward a particular target; the target may be chosen from either a neurotic or health-oriented perspective.

 Attentions rely on awareness but Awareness on the other hand does not involve the focused energy of attention. A lively intelligent awareness (at whatever level of intelligence or whatever kind, conscious or not,) is an on-going aspect of being human, surviving in a not-always-supportive world. Piaget's theory of cognitive development

 There are many stage of cognitive development such as sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage and formal operational stage. In the sensorimotor stage, the infant knows the world through their movements and sensations. In preoperational stage, Children begin to think symbolically and learn to use words and pictures to represent objects. They also tend to be very egocentric, and see things only from their point of view.

During the concrete operational stage, children begin to thinking logically about concrete events. In formal operational stage, the adolescent or young adult begins to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems (Wadsworth, B. J. (1979)).

 Development trace- During all stage of development, one concept that I carry through all effort is the love towards my mom. The love increases with passing time and passing through each stage of development. The relation with other close near and dear one changes with time and according to need of the person but the my love towards my mother does not changes at any stage of cognitive development. I think the present stage that is formal operational stage is the best stage of my life as I am able to control my decision and affect the society. 

 Vygotsky's theory 

 Vygotsky theory stress the fundamental role of social interaction in the development of cognition, community plays a central role in the process of “making meaning”. Vygotsky has developed a socio-cultural approach to cognitive development.

 1: Vygotsky places more emphasis on culture affecting/shaping cognitive development - this contradicts Piaget's view of universal stages and content of development. (Vygotsky does not refer to stages in the way that Piaget does).

 2: Vygotsky places considerably more emphasis on social factors contributing to cognitive development (Piaget is criticized for underestimating this).

3: Vygotsky places more (and different) emphasis on the role of language in cognitive development (again Piaget is criticized for lack of emphasis on this).

The zone of proximal development (ZPD) has been defined as "the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers" . Vygotsky believed that when a student is at the ZPD for a particular task, providing the appropriate assistance will give the student enough of a "boost" to achieve the task. Dual store process model of memory

 The multi store model (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968) is a classic model of memory. It is sometimes called the modal model or the dual process model. Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) suggest that memory is made up of a series of stores multi store model of memory diagram.The multi store model (Atkinson and Shiffrin 1968) describes memory in terms of information flowing through a system. Information is detected by the sense organs and enters the sensory memory. If attended to this information enters the short-term memory.

Information from the STM is transferred to the long-term memory only if that information is rehearsed. If rehearsal does not occur, then information is forgotten, lost from short term memory through the processes of displacement or decay. Memories stored in long-term store are retrieved through a logical process involving the assembly of cues, sampling, recovery, and evaluation of recovery.

According to the model, when an item needs to be recalled from memory the individual assembles the various cues for the item in the short-term store. In this case, the cues would be any cues surrounding the pair blanket - ocean, like the words that preceded and followed it, what the participant was feeling at the time, how far into the list the words were, etc. ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is quite similar to hyperkinetic disorder. It is one type of psychiatric disorder related to neuro developmental type related to the problems of attention and/or hyperactivity. In this its acts as impulsively that are not appropriate for a person's age.

These symptoms started by age six to twelve and be present for more than six months for a diagnosis to be made. In school-aged individuals, the lack of focus may result in poor school performance. Short-term memory is made of which brain think of not important and long-term memory is made of that event for which brain think is important for the person. Memory develop on the experience and intensity of the action as generally tragic memory last for long in the mind. LTM Encoding is the crucial first step of creating the formation of new memory. Encoding is a biological event beginning with perception through the senses.

The process of laying down a memory begins with attention regulated by the thalamus and the frontal lobe, in which a memorable event causes neurons to fire more frequently, making the experience more intense and increasing the likelihood that the event is encoded as a memory. Emotion tends to increase attention, and the emotional element of an event is processed on an unconscious pathway in the brain leading to the amygdala. Only then are the actual sensations derived from an event processed. There are many types of encoding such as Acoustic encoding, visual encoding, tactile encoding and semantic encoding. Acoustic encoding is the process of encoding of words, sound and other auditory input for storage and later retrieval. Visual encoding is the process of encoding images and visual sensory information. Tactile encoding is the encoding how something feels and normally through the touch.

Semantic organization is the process of encoding sensory input that has particular meaning or can be applied to a particular context, rather than deriving from a particular sense. Forgetting In recent exam I forget the basic question that I learn well before the night of exam as basic learning theories of cognitive development. One of the most common explanation of forgetfulness is simple failure to retrieve the information from memory and this occur when memories are rarely accessed causing them to decay over time. Another common cause of forgetfulness is interference when some memories compete with other memories. Other cause of forgetfulness is over use of memory or underuse of memory.

Interferences also cause the forgetfullness

• Proactive interference is when an old memory makes it more difficult or impossible to remember a new memory.
• Retroactive interference occurs when new information interferes with your ability to remember previously learned information.

The best explanation of the forgetting is the failure to store because the mind is not able to store the fact. Encoding failures sometimes prevent information from entering long-term memory.

Sometime person motivate himself or herself to forget the things such as some traumatic accidents or bad experience.

 Mnemonic for learning the Retrieval Cues Paired associate learning (PA or PAL) is an aspect of verbal learning and is the learning of pairs of items, usually words, until the presentation of one leads to the recall of the other. it is an example of associative memory Mnemonic for Retrieval Cues The best way is to adopt 4 step strategies

Recall- Answering a question on a fill-in- the blank test is a good example of recall. Recollection- Writing an essay exam based on learned information. Recognition- Multiple-choice quiz requires that you recognize the correct answer out of a group of available answers. Relearning: Easier to remember and retrieve information in the future and can improve the strength of memories.


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