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Social work-In course Work

Social work-In course Work An evaluation of a course you have taken that includes an argument either for why other students should take it. I have taken the course of social service in my coursework. The social service is important in coursework because it enhances the wider dimension thought process. Social work is very serious topic and every young student should have deep knowledge about this topic. I have taken this coursework because I have passion to help other. I recommend other student also to take this subject in their coursework because society needs some trained person who can pursue social service. Today the life is very fast and no one have time to think about the problem of other. Our society is going through the transition period and we are experiencing many differences in the society. Social service helps in understanding the root cause of the problem and gives ability to the person to think for the innovative solution for the common social problem. T

Cross functional information system

Cross functional information system Clambake Company is a cross-functional information system of the third era of information systems, succeeding the calculations systems and functional systems. Cross-functional systems is made to integrate all activities of the entire business process, so they derive the term 'cross' consisting of different departmental boundaries (O'brien, J. A. (2006). Transformation to a cross-functional system from a functional one can be problematic at times, because it contains the coordination of activities along multiple departments, with the users changing the way that they work.  There is no clear line of authority, and fierce peer competition can often lead to interdepartmental a rivalry that hinders the development of the new system. In new information, system there is three levels, first is conceptual level (Enterprise Architecture), second is logical level (Information Architecture) and last is physical level (Computing and Networ

Microsoft-Strategic Management Process

Strategic Management Process Strategic management analyzes the major steps taken by the firms or organization top management keeping the owner in confidence, involving resources and performance in external environments. It specifies the organization’s mission, vision, objectives; developing policies and plan. It also contains the steps needed to achieve the objective through proper planning. Five major steps for company to follow while developing strategy (Burgelman et al, 2001) ·          Assessing the competitors and market condition ·          Goal setting and strategy making according to company’s current position ·          Reassessing the goals regularly (Quarterly) to show the progress of implementation ·          Searching for the alternatives or change in the strategy ·          Evaluating and controlling the business process. Importance of strategic management process For company to operate under variable market conditions, it is necessary that it has p

Business Environment

Introduction Market environment is marketing term includes the factors consisting of firms ability to build the successful relationship with the customer. Generally, there are two type of environment first is internal environment and other is external environment. Internal environment consist of all those factors, which influences the business, and present within the business itself. These factors are under the control of business. External environment are the factor such as political, economical, social and technological factor that affect the business. These factors are not under the control of the business. Crucial elements involved with performing an internal scan. Internal business environment consist of' (i) Objectives of Business - The main objective of business for which business is establish or running in the field. Objective decide the strategy of the company in the long run. (ii) Policies of Business - Rules and regulation on which business is based.


Market environment in Starbucks Starbucks carefully balance the external and internal environment of the business to grow in the sector of interest. Macro environment analysis includes the factor, which includes external factors and Microenvironment analysis includes the factor including the internal factor. Starbucks management tries to manage the change in environment by having proper marketing plans, proper promotion, proper pricing method and well distribution method. Macro environment analysis It contains the term, which is categorized as PESTLE that is political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental analysis. Political factor The political factors include the tax structure employed by the government from time to time on the business. Extreme political influences include war, dictator government and civil wars. There are negative list from the government side, which restrict the organization from selling addictive substances in family chain store t

Branding & Marketing

Branding strategy and marketing The Brand is the recognition of any service or company in the mind of people or the locus of the image about the particular company among the general masses. The better widespread image in the mind of the people is the main reason to reap the good profit margin from the product in comparison to the general items. Brand strategy is generally a long-term plan for the development of successful brand for achieving specific goals. The well defined and executed brand strategy affects various aspects of a business by directly connecting with consumer needs, emotions and competitive environment ( Sinclair, M. T. (1998)) . For promoting the hotel chain, it is recommended that blend brand strategies should be followed because selecting one strategy does not work properly. It must use the mixture of different branding strategy such as corporate branding strategy while still maintaining individually branded product lines. In corporate brand strategies one g


Image CLOUD COMPUTING It is to provide computing and storage capacity to the user on a pay per use basis. *Pictures is taken from Wikipedia Cloud Computing Types v   Infrastructure as a service - The basic cloud service models is IAS, in which cloud provide computer as a virtual machine and other resources to the user. The virtual machines are run as a guest by the hypervisor. The other resources contain file-based storage, firewall, software, and VLANs.            Example - Amazon cloud formation, Google computer engine. v   Platform as a service - The resources which can be shared through this model are programming language execution environment, web server, database and operating system. Example - Amazon elastic beanstalk, Google app engine. v   Software as a service - cloud provider runs and installs application software in the cloud network and the user can use it on runtime basis, its nature is dynamic. Examples - Goo