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Mintzberg- Organizational structure

Mintzberg Simple organizational structures have characteristic of low degree of differentiation of subtasks and the leaders have wide variety of control. The authority is highly centralized in hand of single person. Sometime the simple organization is also known as, “Flat Structure”. This type of structure has only 2-3 vertical level and worker who can perform different kind of works. William Hewlett and David Packard began their business in a garage, and in starting they follow simple organisational structure. Start up generally follows this type of structure. For routine or repetitive work, Machine Bureaucracy is the best model for the organisation. A key challenge is how to motivate and satisfy the workers in the operating core and repetitive work. For example, company like McDonalds adopt this model to manufacturer Hamburger. Mc Donald’s company give stress on consistency and uniformity of the repetitive work. Mature company generally follow the professional bureaucr

Global workforce

Creating an effective global workforce means knowing when to use “expats” when to use hires “locals” and to create a different new class of employees-the glopats. The strategy requires global H.R. leadership with standard systems along with local adaptation. The main underlying ideas are to fulfill the company's global human resources requirement through the feeder mechanisms at regional, national and local levels, and to leverage your current assets fully by actively engaging people in developing their own careers (Hedlund, G., & Rolander, D. (1990). Leadership roles important in this scenario include participative leadership styles in which leader encourages the participation from the peer and employees. Steps of HR can be presented in below ten steps Break all the "local national" glass ceilings by ending favoritism based on the nationality and relation of the employees Tracing the lifeline of the company strategy Building the company database and proper al

Porter Five Force Model.

Porter five force model analysis on basis of local pizza store (UMCC-Owner Ben) Porter Five forces of model Porter has given a good model to analyze the business situation. In this situation if we analyze the Bill model of business in which he uses old method of keeping the records of order and expenses on the paper. That is having quite disadvantages in practices because it consumes a lot of time and resources and it makes the process to be slow. In the age of technology it is highly recommended that Bill should adopt the system of ERP, EMS for record keeping related to expense and develop a system of online booking of order to cater the need of larger number of customer. Threat of new entry In retail chain especially in the Pizza sector, threat of new entry is there because now a days many players are opening their chain to explore the world of fast food. The new player does not only i


Market environment in Starbucks Starbucks carefully balance the external and internal environment of the business to grow in the sector of interest. Macro environment analysis includes the factor, which includes external factors and Microenvironment analysis includes the factor including the internal factor. Starbucks management tries to manage the change in environment by having proper marketing plans, proper promotion, proper pricing method and well distribution method. Macro environment analysis It contains the term, which is categorized as PESTLE that is political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental analysis. Political factor The political factors include the tax structure employed by the government from time to time on the business. Extreme political influences include war, dictator government and civil wars. There are negative list from the government side, which restrict the organization from selling addictive substances in family chain store t

Classical conditioning

Classical conditioning Classical conditioning is a type of learning that had a major influence on the thought known as behaviorism. The Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov develops the concept. Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. Classical conditioning involves placing a neutral signal before a naturally occurring reflex. There are different types of stimulus and different type response such as UCR (Unconditioned Response), CS (Conditioned Stimulus), and CR (Conditioned Response) and UCS (Unconditioned stimulus). The unconditioned stimulus is naturally triggering a response, for example one of my friend feel hunger when he smell one of his favorite food that is Italian Pizza. Feeling hunger in the response of the smell of food is an example of the unconditioned stimulus (Staats, A. W., & Staats, C. K. (1958)). The conditioned stimulus is an earlier neutral stimulus but a