Kundalini Awakeninng

During the awakening different person experience different effects such severe vibrations, restlessness, headache, pain in particular organ.Dear friend believe me when you will be ready then only it will be awakes there is no mechanism which can force the process. In fact every person either aware or not some portion of their kundli is active but they are blocked by emotional blockages, karma residue, fears, bad karma. You need cleansing of though and mind so that pure energy can flow throughout the body. In fact all these chakras do not function separately, they are interconnected so bad functions of one chakra affects the overall body.
The first thing you can notice in the body which signal you are ready are below
1-Feeling pleasure without any reason during meditation
2-You don’t feel anger or regret for anyone.
3-You have enhance sense of vision and sound (Generally your understanding has improve much)
4-You can now sit in mediation for generally more then then 2–3 hours without any problems (These are not thumb rules, only these are indications)
1. Root Chakra or the Muladhara
Location: Below the sacrum bone (base of the spine)
Endocrine System: Adrenal glands
Organs/System Affected: Large intestine and rectum; some influence the function of kidneys, muscular system, and the fat cells.
Deficiency/Excess: Dis functioning of the stomach/bowel and large intestine, disorders related to eating, sometime depression and immune related disorders, chronic lower back pain, and lack of energy.
2. Spleen Chakra or the Svadishthana
Location: Lower abdomen
Endocrine System/Hormonal Gland: Pancreas
Organs/System Affected: Liver, kidneys, and the lower abdomen.
Deficiency/Excess: Acute back pain, sciatica, less appetite, blood cancer, diabetes; dysfunction of reproductive organs, spleen, and urinary system.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra or the Manipura
Location: Solar plexus (below the diaphragm)
Endocrine System: Pancreas and the adrenal glands
Organ/System Affected: Respiratory system, the digestive system, the lower back, the sympathetic nervous system, the pancreas, spleen, and the liver.
Deficiency/Excess: Liver and stomach problems creating digestive disorders, diabetes, pancreatitis, arthritis, and allergy.
4. Heart Chakra or the Anahata
Location: Chest
Endocrine System: The thymus gland
Organ/System Affected: Heart and circulatory system, the pulmonary system, the immune system, upper back, shoulders and arms.
Deficiency/Excess: Disorders of the heart or lungs, asthma, allergies, immune deficiency problems, and tension between shoulder blades.
5. Purification Chakra or the Vishuddhi
Location: Throat
Endocrine System: The thyroid and the parathyroid glands
Organ/System Affected: Throat, neck, mouth, teeth and gums, ears, muscles.
Deficiency/Excess: Chronic throat problems, mouth ulcers, laryngitis and thyroid problems, ear infections, headaches, and pain in the neck and shoulders.
6. Third Eye Chakra or the Ajna
Location: Between the brows.
Endocrine System: Pituitary and the pineal glands.
Organ/System Affected: Brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose and the sinuses.
Deficiency/Excess: Headaches, ear and eye problems, brain tumor, stroke, neurological disturbances, learning disabilities, and spinal disorders.
7. Crown Chakra or the Sahasrara
Location: The crown of the skull
Endocrine System/Nervous system: Pineal gland in the brain / central nervous system
Organ/System affected: Cerebrum, top of the spinal cord, brain stem, pain center and nerves.
Deficiency/Excess: Feeling of frustration, no joy, destructive feelings, migraine/ light headaches and depression. Excess of energy in this chakra causes Dilema/confusion, spiritual addiction, and dissociation from worldly affairs/body.
There are various method to balance the chakra
Yoga, Meditation, Reiki
Sound therapy, Color therapy
Tough physical exercise and breathing routine


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