Hongkong Security Law 中国通过了一项针对香港的广泛的新安全法,该法律使惩罚示威者更加容易,并减少了香港的自治权。 批评家称其为“香港的尽头”-那么我们知道什么,人们最担心的是什么? 这条律法是关于什么的? 香港本来应该有一项安全法,但由于它不受欢迎而永远无法通过。因此,这是关于中国介入以确保该市拥有法律框架来应对其认为对其职权构成严峻挑战的问题。 该法律66条的细节一直保密,直到通过。它将以下任何行为定为犯罪: •分裂国家-脱离国家 •颠覆–破坏中央政府的权力或权威 •恐怖主义-对他人使用暴力或恐吓 •与外国或外来势力勾结 在香港意味着什么? 该法律于当地时间6月30日23:00生效,距离英国从英国统治移交给中国23周年前一个小时。 它赋予北京权力来塑造香港从未有过的生活。批评人士说,这有效地减少了抗议活动和言论自由-中国表示将恢复稳定。 新法律的主要规定包括: •分裂国家,颠覆,恐怖主义和与外国部队勾结的罪行应判处最高徒刑 •损坏公共交通设施可视为恐怖主义 •被判有罪的人将被禁止出任公职 •如果依法被定罪,公司将被罚款。 •北京将在香港建立一个新的安全办公室,并拥有自己的执法人员-都不属于地方当局的管辖范围 •该办公室可以派遣一些案件在中国大陆进行审判-但北京表示,它将只对“少量”案件拥有这种权力 •此外,香港必须建立自己的国家安全委员会以执行法律,并由北京任命的顾问 •香港行政长官将有权任命法官审理国家安全案件,从而增加了对司法自主权的担忧 •重要的是,北京将有权解释法律的解释方式,而不是任何香港司法或政策机构。如果法律与任何香港法律相抵触,则以北京法律为准 •会在关门的地方听到一些审判。 •涉嫌违反法律的人可以被窃听并受到监视 •将加强对外国非政府组织和新闻机构的管理 •该法律还将适用于非永久性居民和“非香港永久性居民……[非香港居民]。 香港身份危机和抗议背后的历史-2019年11月首播 在颁布之前,只有少数人看到了该法律的全文,这在香港引起了很大争议。他们不包括香港行政长官林郑月娥。 她在生效前几个小时告诉联合国人权理事会,它将填补一个“漏洞”,并且不会损害香港的自治权或独立的司法机构。她还承诺不会追溯。 为什么香港人会害怕? 北京曾表示,香港在维护国家安全的同时应尊重和保护权利与自由,但许多人仍然担心这项法律会损害香港...
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CoronaVirus- What make it deadly?
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CoronaVirus- What make it deadly? Coronavirus has exceptionally large single-stranded RNA genomes - approximately 26,000 to 32,000 bases or RNA "letters". Coronavirus particles are surrounded by a fatty outer layer, called an envelope and usually appearing spherical, as seen under an electron microscope, with a crown of club-shaped spikes or "corona" on their surface. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that commonly cause mild diseases, such as the common cold. However, some types of coronaviruses can infect the lower airways, causing serious diseases such as pneumonia or bronchitis. Most people are infected with coronaviruses at some point in their lives and most of these infections are harmless. A notable exception is the new coronavirus that causes Kovid-19 disease. Covid -19 Third party image reference The virus that causes Covid-19 is known as SARS-CoV-2. It emerged for the first time in Wuhan, China in late 2019. The outbreak has since spread to China and ot...
Things to know about Corona Virus
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Third party image reference Read in detail Things to know about corona viruses Corona viruses are types of viruses that commonly affect the respiratory tracts of birds and mammals, including humans. Doctors associate them with the common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and they can also affect the bowels. Over the past 70 years, scientists have found that corona viruses can infect mice, rats, dogs, cats, turkeys, horses, pigs and cattle. Sometimes, these animals can deliver corona virus to humans. Recently, authorities identified a new corona virus outbreak in China that has now reached other countries. It is named Corona virus disease 2019, or COVID-19. These viruses are usually responsible for more common cold than serious diseases. However, corona viruses are also behind some of the more severe outbreaks. In this article, we explain various types of human corona viruses, their symptoms and how they are trans...