Ancient Alien

India is mythological land and believed to have "VEDA"S internal source of knowledge from time, when other part of world was struggling to learn the art of agriculture to sustain the civilization. At that prehistoric time India has full fledged Indus valley civilization having proper irrigation system, storage system and knowledge of language, writing books on metal sheets, cryptography.
The question arises in every minds of readers how some part of world get more knowledge then other in ancient time. According to ancient alien theorists, some extraterrestrials organism possessing superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth, thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise to some older civilization to solve some complex problem. This not only happen in India many part of world witness this, let imagine without modern machinery how Egyptians build great pyramids in such sort span of time. There are many evidence that indicates that aliens made contact with primitive human. Ancient Hindu Sanskrit writings describe flying machines called  Vimanas ; Jewish Zohar  writings that are said to describe a "manna machine" similar to chlorella algae processing of today and Egyptian megaliths that are said to show precision cutting work thought to be too advanced for the time.
There are many locations around the Earth that can be said to be "hot spots" of UFO activity, such as the Mexico's "Zone of Silence", an area of land said to naturally disrupt radio signals;   Bermuda Triangle; the portal-like structure at Peru's Puerta de Hayu Marca; and the curious rock formations of the Marcahuasi Plateau. These structure are peculiar in nature and completely different from their surroundings. There are also some assumption that advanced weapon technologies which is currently in development, like laser and sonic weapons, are rediscovered technologies already practice by advanced races in the past. Aliens provided concept of gravity manipulation devices to helping ancient man to form colossal stone structures around the world. Ancient Indian epic such as Mahabartha suggest use of atomic bomb in war which wipe out completely the races.
Around the world at ancient sites various rituals performed those were not to please mythical gods, but try to reenact contact and communication with alien beings through symbolic actings. Examples given are the ceremonies of the Kayapo people of Brazil that include a dancer dressed similar to spacesuit; the Mayan temple of El Castillo, Chichen Itza; the Celtic Beltane Festival; Medieval coronation ceremonies and the symbolic meanings of crowns, thrones and scepters as communication devices to the heavens; the ritual meanings of the Catholic Mass and Native American and Shamanistic chants and prayers.
In many cultures stories about powerful gods and dreaded monsters having similarities with legends found in different cultures situated at part apart distances; it can only be possible if that these legends may be eyewitness accounts of alien visitations. Ancient stories also celebrate tales of gods interacting with humans, providing wisdom and technology and impregnating women for the creation of demigods, who are supposedly the offspring of human/alien unions. Several so called advance concept such as modern-day genetic engineering, cloning and hybridization technology, probably used by ancient aliens in the past to reshape mankind and the environment. Ancient text also describe legends of creatures, humanoids, such as the Minotaur and Medusa and the Chimera and Hydra, and, may be possible with beings created through alien animal/human hybrid experimentation.
Ancient theorist believes that ancient Maya were imparted the knowledge of mathematics and astronomy by extraterrestrials. It suggest that knowledge of celestial events (such as pole shifts) thousands of years before the culture began; advanced city engineering with the use of metal tools and the wheel; and a complex writing system only understood by the rulers and clerics among them. These advancement were flourish only among some part of the society and not among the masses. Different artifacts such as the La Venta Olmec heads suggested to represent African people in flight helmets the sarcophagus lid of Palenque's King Pakal, who is said to be piloting a rocket ship;and the feathered serpent god Kukulkan possibly depicted elsewhere in the world as the Naga and Chinese dragon. The Maya civilization and their advanced knowledge of mathematics and timekeeping cannot came from gradual development they must be guided by alien force. If its was not alien case then why the Maya backdated the 5125-year long-count calendar to 3114 BC (over 3,000 years before their civilization began) and what could happen after it ends December 21, 2012. There are many articats discussed such as, Tortuguero monument six and a Comalcalco mud brick, that are symblizes the return of a star god Bolon Yokte; the monuments of Tikal (which is said to have been built to mimic the Pleiades cluster); the Popol Vuh creation myths; the Chilam Balam manuscripts; and Chichen Itza, dedicated to the return of the Maya god Kukulkan.
If we closely examines some of the sketches, paintings and journals of legendary artist and engineer Leonardo da Vinci, it clearly indicates that some of his pioneer work may have been inspired by alien technology he may have encountered in his lifetime. There are many possibility of some hidden messages within his work such as parts of his paintings that disappear under x-ray scans; his sketches of inhuman and monstrous creatures, his use of mirror writing to make his notes illegible to prying eyes;and what Da Vinci might have been doing when he seemingly disappeared for two years after finding a mysterious cave. It clearly give hints that some alien encounters may be of beings from Earth's future traveling in time machines and that these beings visited Earth's distant past. In the past also there are some rumors of the Nazi "Die Glocke" time travel machine; stories of time travel in the Bible and other ancient texts; the advanced cosmic knowledge of the Anasazi and their similarities to the ancient Sumerians and actual space/time experiments that could one day open the door for possible time travel technology.
Disclaimer- Articles has been rewrite from taking help from internet sources, ancient alien TV series on History TV and Wikipedia. I am not taking any claim for the originality of the articles. I am also not suggesting the reader to believe in Aliens so the reader decide according to their belief.


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