PK shoukld be ban

In India being a pseudo secular is fashion, i think being anti Hindu is new definition of secularism. Films now's a day targeting Hindu community in the name of creative freedom.Why any of such film does not target the corrupt practices of Islam like polygamy, child marriage, low status to woman and wearing burkah. The director and actor fears of fatwas against them so they do not target the Islam.You can read ongoing unrest in different newspaper
Particularly Aamir target Hindu practices in his show Satyamev Jyate but does not any subject related to ISLAM.I ask why such hypocrisy is maintained by the media community against the Hinduism. In recent event you can see that PK Dubai party is sponsored by Pakistani media group Ary Digital.All criminals and underground mafia invest their money in brainwashing the mind of the Indian Youth.Even on the cyberworld there is ongoing debate regarding the pk on Facebook and Twitter.

source credit-Agniveer organization
PK may cross Rs 542 crore box office collections and become the highest grossing Bollywood film ever. I don’t know whether to congratulate the PK team for this historical record or mourn the disaster that looms.
My fear is that a significant part of this collection will come back to India in form of bomb blasts, terrorism, Pakistani firing, killing of innocent civilians and soldiers, RDX, AK 47s, grenades, 26/11, Parliament attacks and much more.
No, I am not attempting to sensationalize. In fact I would be happiest person on earth to be proven wrong. That is why I appeal to our security agencies and RAW to investigate the matter to depth and allay my fear by proving me wrong.
The bollywood-underworld-terror nexus is not a fiction. The involvement of Dubai and Islamabad underworld in bollywood financing and terror-attacks is an iceberg whose tip has been witnessed occasionally. Be it the Mumbai Bomb blasts, or Gulshan Kumar murder, or Dawood parties with celebrities or many other occasions.
1. ARY – the terror partner of PK
Subramanian Swamy has already exposed funding of PK through ARY. It seems to be the distributor of PK in Middle East. It is no hidden fact that ARY is alleged to have been behind funding several terrorist activities and has deep ISI links. One can google on Subramanyan Swamy’s expose to get more details on ARY’s involvement in money laundering, terror-financing, supplying weapons to ULFA, links with Al Qaeda and Pakistan nuclear program.
What Subramanian Swamy did not mention about ARY was that:
A. ARY was also the official producer and distributor of blockbuster Waar (Attack) - highest grossing Pakistani film of all time, like PK. Waar – most expensive Lollywood movie ever – claims to be based on real-life events and clearly blames India for all terror-activities in Pakistan. This war propaganda film alleges that India funds Taliban. The movie was funded by Pakistani army and Intelligence and produced & distributed by ARY – partners of PK. This is considered the most blatantly anti-India film ever produced in world.
B. On 16th December, after the Peshawar school attack, ARY carried a special program where it claimed that India was behind all this. It also blamed India for ‘invading’ Pakistan again and again. They specially invited Pervez Musharraf who ‘detailed’ how India conspired this attack against Pakistan.
A few days later, they again carried a special program “Khara Sach (Hard Truth)” that apparently exposed Indian Media, RAW and Indian agencies. The program claimed that entire planning of Peshawar attack was done in India as has been several other terror-attacks in past.
C. ARY has been promoting extremist views against India for a long time. Recently, it went to extent of openly announcing that every single Hindu will be butchered in the region between Hindukush mountains to Delhi. It stated that Hindukush means the place where one should butcher Hindus and they are waiting for an opportunity to massacre all Hindus. It claimed that only Muslims have right to live in this region.
Check these links for details. I bet you would not have heard a more anti-India anti-Hindu diatribe ever.
(Warning: Some of these links may have extremely disturbing content. Watch at your careful discretion)
See how Zaid Hamid openly threatens Hindus to convert or get killed.
No nationalist Indian can think of partnership with the most anti-Indian terror media group of world. But for PK team, this is not enough. Because they also have Samaa TV.
2. Samaa TV – the anti-India partner of PK
The official partner of PK in Pakistan is Samaa TV. Samaa beats even ARY in anti-India propaganda.
A. Few months ago, Samaa TV issued a blanket ban on entire Indian media. It announced that it will not associate with any Indian film, TV, music partner nor broadcast any Indian production as a protest against India’s conspiracies and attacks against Pakistan. It appealed entire Pakistan to boycott Indian media productions. PK however has been the only Indian film for which Samaa TV made this special exception. How can one explain this sudden change of heart when Indo-Pak relations are at its lowest due to cross-border firings and India being much more retaliatory than ever in last 10 years?
B. This is not enough. Samaa TV, in the special feature accusing India and banning Indian content, showed a disfigured Indian tri-color with Ashok Chakra replaced with a demeaning symbol. And to top it all, it showed a bomb thrown at Indian flag tearing it apart and burning it.
It is a matter of deep shame that PK team that claimed to do so much research for 5 years on exposing everything else but refused to observe the insult of Indian flag.
Those who insulted Indian Flag and banned entire Indian Media are official partners of PK.
Samaa pk exposed
C. What would also come as shocker to those who support PK for freedom of expression and stand against moral policing, is that Samaa TV is the greatest champion of moral policing in Pakistan. Its program “Subah Saverey..” went to extent of chasing couples in park, exposing them, giving lectures on Islamic morals, and bringing them to risk of honor killing in an Islamic country.
This was not the first such program in a vigilante series. It had ‘exposed’ many girls earlier despite threat to their lives. Only after a massive social media outcry, Samaa TV was forced to offer a lame apology and terminate the anchor, when matters got even more complex.
3. .pk is country-domain for Pakistani websites
Not many may have noticed that .pk is the official country domain for Pakistani websites. The logic given for choice of name PK for alien is weird. As per the plot, because of the alien’s strange behavior, people thought he was drunk. So everybody would ridicule and ask him: “PK hai kya”.
A. Fact is that no one asks “PK hai kya?” in Hindi or Urdu. They say either “peekay aaya hai kya?” or “peeyela hai kya” or “pee rakha hai kya?” or “peeya hua hai kya?” or something similar.
B. Story is eventually all about justifying why Pakistani guys are good match for Indian Hindu girls and why Indian hatred against Pakistan is misplaced.
C. The posters display name of film as pk (in small case) and not PK (in capital case, as common with abbreviations and first names). This exactly replicates the way .pk is written and seen in all Pakistani websites.
It thus is definitely a creative marvel how (.)pk is depicted as an alien who exposes Hindu (and Christian) frauds, is hated for being .pk aka Pakistani and ultimately proves why .pk is best.
While one can give brownie points to film-makers for this subtle creativity, the linkages with terror are far too obvious for a careful observer.
4. Aamir Khan says his kids will be Muslims despite his Hindu wives
.pk lead actor (and screenplay writer) Aamir Khan made a statement recently that all his wives may be Hindus, but his kids would be raised as Muslims alone. No wonder his son is Assistant Director in .pk.
No one could expect a national celebrity to issue such a fanatic statement. But this is in striking similarity with ideology of ISIS, Taliban and other fanatics who appeal Muslims to marry as many non-Muslims and produce Muslim children from them to increase Muslim population.
In fact ISIS recently beheaded hundreds of non-Muslim women because they refused to be child-producing machines for their jihadis.
After Aamir Khan’s long meeting with Maulana Tariq Jameel of Pakistan in Mecca and Medina during Haj, he invited the Maulana to India. No one knows what transpired, but it is true that Maulana is a proclaimed Jihadi preacher with agenda of spreading Islam everywhere. He is leader of Tableeghi Jamaat – an insular fanatic cult of Islam that focuses on mimicing the ways of Prophet. It exclusively focuses on enlightening “wayward” Muslims towards “true” Islam so that Islam spreads everywhere. No wonder, a vast number of global terror plots and attacks unearthed recently have been predominantly executed by members of this cult. Not surpirsingly, most Muslim groups consider Tableeghi Jaamat as a threat to Islam that demeans Muslims.
Maulana is particularly famed for his attractive description of Paradise full of luxuries, wine, beautiful guys and sensuous women that believers will get if they follow and spread Islam.
When those who are fanatic about their cult and have relations with anti-Indian proselytizers make a film bashing some other religion, it obviously raises flag.
Country would like to know following:
A. Why creator of Satyameva Jayate so conveniently partnered with the most anti-Indian terror groups of world? The .pk team is known for thorough research and detailed look into the script. Why such a serious exception then? Or was it deliberate?
B. Why a responsible producer of Satyameva Jayate is compelled to release a film criticizing Hinduism and Christianity in Middle East and Pakistan? Does he not know that Hindu and Christian minorities in Pakistan are already on verge of extinction and living a life of persecution?
As if the fanatic textbooks of Pakistan were not enough to spew venom on Hindus and Christians as enemies of Islam. Is this responsible film-making? Or the film-makers aspire Hindus and Christians to be made extinct from Pakistan in lines with views of their parter company ARY?
Read this to know about the pathetic state of Pakistani minorities-
No sensible justification can be given for this act of film-makers that threatens lives of innocent minorities in fanatic parts of world. Especially when the same film-makers claim social responsibility.
2014 has already been the worst year for minorities in Pakistan in last several decades. Release of .pk condemning idol-worship and hindu gods has already ensured that this persecutions of Hindus and Christians sees an increasing trend in 2015, if reports after release of .pk are true.
Does .pk not know that idol worship – associated with hinduism – is considered worst sin (even worse than rape and murder) by bulk of Pakistanis and fanatics in Middle East? Why it added fuel to same hatred?
Just read how .pk film is marketed as an anti-Hindu film in Pakistan:
( for largest cinema complex of Pakistan)
“…Hirani has stated that the film will be a satire on “Hindu gods and godmen.”
No wonder, .pk is a blockbuster in Pakistan and those areas of world that are dominated by Hindu haters. Release of .pk has been synchronous with a fresh wave of attacks on Hindus in Pakistan and firing on LOC from across the border.
C. How can one even tolerate insult of Indian flag? How can one think of partnering with those who insult the national flag? Why .pk is only Indian film for which the tricolor-abusers Samaa TV made an exception?
D. Why .pk team and .pk lovers issued to no statement ever in support on removal of ban on Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie (a Booker prize finalist), True Furqan (an alternative Quran that is International best seller), Lajja by Taslima Nasreen (a bestseller), Dwikhandit by Taslima Nasreen (a bestseller), Rangila Rasul (which is in public domain) and innumerable other “creative” pieces? Why they were all silent when scenes were deleted from Vishwaroopam for allegedly denigrating a particular community?
In fact, even today it is not too late for .pk team to publicly announce that they support removal of ban from Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie and Lajja by Taslima Nasreen.
I always fail to understand why all freedom of expression clauses get applied only when it relates to Hindu majority of India.
If social reform and exposing fraud elements is need of hour, perhaps exposing them from the community from which most terrorists are hailing is greatest need. That would not only help the world fight terror but also help those innocent members of community who have to bear brunt of misdeeds of their black sheep.
I fully support freedom of expression personally. I don’t care a bit about what any Tom, Dick or Harry opines on my faith. Infact I encourage every criticism as Sant Kabir advised. But that should be applicable to all communities, religion and societies and not selectively for a specific liberal majority. Selectivity in freedom of expression is worse than total prohibition.
But more importantly, .pk must be thoroughly investigated because it is a matter of national security.
Yes, I am an analytics and data science expert who is respected for my pattern recognition skills. That is my profession and claim to fame. I have never been proven wrong in my analyses so far.
But I desperately want to be proven wrong this time. I pray that all I wrote (and did not write for sake of security) is completely without foundations. Perhaps I analyzed it all wrongly. I would be happiest person on earth to be proven wrong. Because it is question of lives of innocent children, mothers, sisters, brothers, civilians and soldiers.
But prove me wrong on basis of facts and evidences and not personal emotions. Its a matter of national concern and must be dealt with professionally. We must show zero tolerance to terror and take extra steps to prevent loss of every single innocent life.
The evidences show that trending of ‪#‎BoycottPK‬ might be the only silver lining in this matter. That #BoycottPK is more popular today than number of people who watched or liked .pk is a great comfort, given the current evidences and Pakistani firing.
I can’t explain why, but when anti-India Haider was released, there was an almost synchronous rise in firing from Pakistani borders. And when Hindu-bashing Pakistan loving .pk is released, there is again the same increase in Pakistani attack on India from across the border. Is it some kind of celebration, or a planned coordinated attempt? Or something else?
In light of these, even the acts of tearing of posters of .pk by certain people must be viewed from a fresh unbiased perspective.
I pray for safety of all my innocent brothers and sisters belonging to any religion and any side of border.
Note: Please note that this article only presents publicly available facts and does not, in any manner, attempts to target or put any allegation on any individual, group, team, society or community. It only requests the relevant authorities to make a thorough investigation.
Also, in lines of what Aamir Khan recently said, Agniveer also reiterates: “If you don’t like this article, don’t read it.”


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