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Market environment in Starbucks Starbucks carefully balance the external and internal environment of the business to grow in the sector of interest. Macro environment analysis includes the factor, which includes external factors and Microenvironment analysis includes the factor including the internal factor. Starbucks management tries to manage the change in environment by having proper marketing plans, proper promotion, proper pricing method and well distribution method. Macro environment analysis It contains the term, which is categorized as PESTLE that is political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental analysis. Political factor The political factors include the tax structure employed by the government from time to time on the business. Extreme political influences include war, dictator government and civil wars. There are negative list from the government side, which restrict the organization from selling addictive substances in family chain store t


Image CLOUD COMPUTING It is to provide computing and storage capacity to the user on a pay per use basis. *Pictures is taken from Wikipedia Cloud Computing Types v   Infrastructure as a service - The basic cloud service models is IAS, in which cloud provide computer as a virtual machine and other resources to the user. The virtual machines are run as a guest by the hypervisor. The other resources contain file-based storage, firewall, software, and VLANs.            Example - Amazon cloud formation, Google computer engine. v   Platform as a service - The resources which can be shared through this model are programming language execution environment, web server, database and operating system. Example - Amazon elastic beanstalk, Google app engine. v   Software as a service - cloud provider runs and installs application software in the cloud network and the user can use it on runtime basis, its nature is dynamic. Examples - Goo