
Showing posts with the label feelings

Community Diversity

Community Diversity Community diversity is the main concern to deal in modern time because today’s society is more complex than earlier traditional society. Diversity management is an important task and good manager, leader understand its importance and deal with utmost attention.  First task is to understand the belief of each section of the society, their thought process, their unique culture and tradition. Now in major society people are becoming more aware to deal with community diversity issue. In my community, there is mixture of white and black people because my country grants equal status to all people. Government ensures equal opportunity in education, job, training and social life to all people. No institution can practice the discriminatory wages practice for the same work in the same institution. Researching this topic gives me the information of history and struggle happen in past to ensure the equal rights to all people. I came to know the community diversity

Hate or Love

It is very easy to hate someone but we have to find a lot of reason to love a person. Love or hate is guided by emotional and hormonal imbalances in the body of the human. The three best strategies to fight hate can be summarized as Action, speaking up and support the victims. If a person is action oriented then he will be busy in his life and have no time to think unrelated thought. Occupied mind is the best mind as there will be no time to go for destructive though or action in that situation.  Sometime communication gap also creates much problem in the relation between people. To maintain a healthy relation it is advised to have constant communication between the parties so that no misunderstanding can grow which can destroy the relation. If person feels that his partner or friend is not responding in normal way then the best way is to have conversation to sort out the root cause of the problem. To support the victims or poor people, increase the truth worthiness of the p