
Showing posts with the label cloud computing


Image CLOUD COMPUTING It is to provide computing and storage capacity to the user on a pay per use basis. *Pictures is taken from Wikipedia Cloud Computing Types v   Infrastructure as a service - The basic cloud service models is IAS, in which cloud provide computer as a virtual machine and other resources to the user. The virtual machines are run as a guest by the hypervisor. The other resources contain file-based storage, firewall, software, and VLANs.            Example - Amazon cloud formation, Google computer engine. v   Platform as a service - The resources which can be shared through this model are programming language execution environment, web server, database and operating system. Example - Amazon elastic beanstalk, Google app engine. v   Software as a service - cloud provider runs and installs application software in the cloud network and the user can use it on runtime basis, its nature is dynamic. Examples - Goo


https://brownpanda, Dropbox Dropbox is file hosting service operated by Dropbox Inc having headquarter in San Francisco, California. The service offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and client software. This application allows the user to create a special folder in the computer which can be synchronized so that it appears to be in the same folder having all the content regardless of the computer which is used to view it. Files in these folders are also accessible through the websites or even through the mobile application. Dropbox made available client software for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS and web browsers, as well as unofficial ports to Symbian, Windows Phone, and MeeGo. The brief history of Dropbox Dropbox officially launched at 2008’s TechCrunch50 an annual technology conference. In may, 2011 Dropbox deals with Japanese mobile service provider. Dropbox official domain name was “” until October 2009. As o